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XF Series Boiling Dryer

Main purpose:

    It is suitable for dry bulk granular materials, such as: pharmaceutical drugs in pharmaceutical raw materials, dry desiccant tablet pellets, granules medicine, chemical raw materials in plastic resin, citric acid and other powdery, granular materials, food, food processing, feed dry in the food and beverage powder, jade material germ, dried fodder, etc., optimum particle size of the material is generally 0.5-3mm.


    The machine can implement automated production is continuous drying equipment, drying speed, low temperature, to ensure product quality, meet the requirements of pharmaceutical production.

How it works:

    Boiling dryer, also known as a fluidized bed. It consists of air filter, heater, fluidized bed host, star feeder, cyclone, bag filter, high pressure centrifugal fan, console composition, due to the different nature of the dry material, while supporting dust removal equipment, may need consider, can also select the cyclone, bag filter, can also choose one of the generally large proportion of dry granular materials such as granules and simply select the wind splitter, the proportion of small granular and powdered lighter material to be supporting baghouse, and with pneumatic feeding device for selection. Loose granular solid material from the feeder into the fluidized bed dryer, clean filtered air heated by the blower into the bottom of the fluidized bed by the divider plate in contact with the solid material to form a gas-solid fluidized reach the thermal mass of exchange. After drying the material discharged from the discharge port, the exhaust gas discharged from the top of the fluidized bed by the cyclone and baghouse group recovered solid powder emptying. Steam, electricity, hot stove can be equipped with (according to user requirements supporting).

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Add:Manshui Village Zhutang Town Jiangyin Jiangsu Province
Tel: (0)13701526171 ???Yan yongjin
Fax :0510-86382569
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