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Stainless steel mill whole grains


Stainless whole grains milling performance of various food, medicines and ground into a homogeneous powder of 50 to 200 mesh. The mill covered by two millstones for grinding operation gullet so the material is ground into a powder. The machine is a continuous feed type operations, simple and elegant structure, low noise, easy operation, crushed fine, no dust, suitable for supermarkets and shopping malls counters, processing shop on-site processing of various cereals, pharmacy clinics.  

Stainless whole grains milling machine is developed and manufactured exclusively. Since the launch aircraft for customers to use on emerging issues in the operation, in and out of the discharge port change to take what the most appropriate size, R & D staff have done numerous tests and improved materials, design, appearance and even feed inlet , the choice has always insisted on fitting better and better principle and resolutely put an end to low-quality, low-priced accessories. The machine can now fit more than 98% of customer needs. According to customer needs, can be equipped with 220V power consumption can also be equipped with 380V industrial electricity, at the same price. This machine (with motor) year warranty, are quality problems during the warranty period, the company provides free parts and maintenance, even though belonging to man-made damage repair, the company also just collect the basic cost. The machine maintenance of life, but also the fee according to the basic cost.    

Processing range:

1, a variety of food containing sesame, walnut, rice, black rice, soybeans, mung beans, red beans, peanuts, seeds, corn, sorghum, barley, buckwheat, oats and the like;

2, various dry herbs containing almonds, Poria, dates, Gorgon, wolfberry, barley, hawthorn, Chinese yam, Radix, red beans, gelatin, frankincense, dodder seed, angelica, Codonopsis and so on.

Technical parameters:

Model: Type 304 (stainless steel)

Voltage: 220V / 380V (as required by the customer optional)

Motor Power: 1800W

Motor speed: 1420 r / min

Fineness: 50 ~ 200 mesh

Production capacity: 20 ~ 40kg / h

Dimensions: 55 * 30 * 45 (cm)

Weight: 40 kg

Features: continuous feed Production

Have screen: no screen

Tunability: feed speed and the material thickness can be adjusted

Stainless whole grains milling machine features:

(A), the operation is very convenient. (1). The old disc slot machine needs to be aligned with the motor shaft can be loaded on the spline, while the new machinery simply put the disc opinions freely can be installed very easily. (2) the appearance of the old section of the disc with a ball, the new no ball will fall and will be coated with butter may not exist.

(B), machine cavity with material contact parts are not on the butter, maintaining hygiene and cleanliness of the grinding material. Machine cavity necessarily need the old machine on butter, leading consumers to mistrust and antipathy, Division I do not need any lubricant on the new, to ensure clean and pollution-free.

(C), the sound is quite small (or a lot smaller). Our take-precision machining, strict inspection procedures of each process, for substandard parts firm not to adopt, after the machine assembly have been engineering personnel test machine and strict checks to ensure the aircraft stringent design requirements, machine operation when the noise is small, does not affect the surrounding environment, so that each client must be assured, and processed products to delicate, the basic requirements of hygiene.

(Four), worn very thin. After repeated efforts of R & D personnel, and finally successfully developed sound small, fine grinding mill, and can be highly sesame seeds, walnuts, almonds, cucumbers son, melon seeds and oil content of wolfberry and Codonopsis or high sugar content of the material worn finest solve the market average mill can not grind more material problems.

(Five), formerly motor power 1.5KW, but now the new mill whole grains instead 1.8KW strong motor, does not appear before the old tune is too thin and cause sudden shutdown is like, the new mill whole grains the motor is more stable during use.

CopyRight @ 2019 Jinagyin Tongda Machinery Equipment Co..Ltd
Add:Manshui Village Zhutang Town Jiangyin Jiangsu Province
Tel: (0)13701526171 ???Yan yongjin
Fax :0510-86382569
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